Plant Name:
Rhazya stricta

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. It is used to treat stomach problems, liver diseases and inflammatory disorders?

Chemical Constituents:
1. Akuammidine (CID: 21160714) 2. rhazimol (CID: 101986486) 3. Antirhine (CID: 5462421) 4. Condylocarpine (CID: 5378963)

1.Gilani, S. A., Kikuchi, A., Shinwari, Z. K., Khattak, Z. I., & Watanabe, K. N. (2007). Phytochemical, pharmacological and ethnobotanical studies of Rhazya stricta Decne. Phytotherapy Research, 21(4), 301-307. 2.Ali, B. H., Al-Qarawi, A. A., Bashir, A. K., & Tanira, M. O. (2000). Phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicity of Rhazya stricta Decne: A review. Phytotherapy Research, 14(4), 229-234.
Plant Name:
Rheum australe

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Indian rhubarb, Himalayan rhubarb, Red-veined pie plant

Tamil Name:
Ilavel cini

Medicinal Usage:
1.The root is anticholesterolemic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, aperient, astringent, cholagogue, demulcent, diuretic, laxative, purgative, stomachic and tonic. 2.The root is taken internally in the treatment of chronic constipation, diarrhoea, liver and gall bladder complaints, haemorrhoids, menstrual problems and skin eruptions due to an accumulation of toxins.

Chemical Constituents:
1.Chrysophanol(CID: 10208) 2.emodin(CID: 3220) 3.aloe-emodin(CID: 10207) 4. physcion(CID: 10639) 5.rhein (CID: 10168) 6.Piceatannol(CID: 667639) and 7.resveratrol(CID: 445154)

1.Rokaya, M. B., M?nzbergov?, Z., Timsina, B., & Bhattarai, K. R. (2012). Rheum australe D. Don: a review of its botany, ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 141(3), 761-774. 2.Rokaya, M. B., Mar??k, P., & M?nzbergov?, Z. (2012). Active constituents in Rheum acuminatum and Rheum australe (Polygonaceae) roots: A variation between cultivated and naturally growing plants. Biochemical systematics and ecology, 41, 83-90.
Plant Name:
Rhododendron arboreum

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Tree Rhododendron

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. The leaves of Rhododendron arboreum has been used in gout & rheumatism. 2.R. arboreum possesses oxytocic, estrogenic, and prostaglandin synthetase-inhibiting activity. 3.The dried flowers of R. arboreum are supposedly highly efficacious in checking diarrhoea and blood dysentery.

Chemical Constituents:
1.Glucoside () 2.ericolin (arbutin)() 3.ursolic acid(CID: 64945) 4.b-amyrin( CID: 73145) 5.epifriedelinol(CID: 101341) 6.campanulin() 7.quercetin(CID: 5280343) 8.hyperoside( CID:5281643) 9.Quercetin-3-rhamnoside(CID:15939939) 10.quercetin(CID: 5280343) 11.rutin(CID:5280805) 12.coumaric acid(CID:637542) 13.taraxerol(CI: 92097) 14.ursolic acid acetate(CID: 15917992) 15.ericolin (arbutin)(CID: 440936) 16.epifriedelinol(CID:5280460) 17.campanulin()

1.Kiruba, S., Mahesh, M., Nisha, S. R., Paul, Z. M., & Jeeva, S. (2011). Phytochemical analysis of the flower extracts of Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. nilagiricum (Zenker) Tagg. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 1(2), S284-S286. 2.Verma, N., Singh, A. P., Amresh, G., Sahu, P. K., & Rao, C. V. (2010). Anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity of Rhododendron arboreum. J Pharm Res, 3, 1376-80.
Plant Name:
Rhynchosia cana

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Grey snoutbean

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.The plant has anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic activities.

Chemical Constituents:
1.Amino acids() 2.Total free phenols() 3.Tannins (CID:76419085) 4. L -DOPA ( CID :6047) 5.Hydrogen cyanide(CID:768) and 6.Phytic acid(CID:768)

1.Sekar, T., & Francis, K. (1999). A preliminary investigation of some Maruthamalai forest plants for phytochemical compounds. Bioresource technology, 70(3), 303-304.
Plant Name:
Ricinus communis

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Castor bean, Castor oil plant, Wonder tree

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.Leaves are warmed, crushed and applied to annus as a remedy for bleeding piles. 2.Seed oil is purgative. 3.Leaf-paste is used as poultice on sores, gout or rheumatic swellings. 4.Decoction of root is given in lumbago. 5.For lactation, leaves of the plant are heated and applied to a woman's breasts to improve secretion of milk.

Chemical Constituents:
1. (3E,7Z,11E)-19-hydroxycasba-3,7,11-trien-5-one() 2. (2R,4aR,8aR)-3,4,4a,8a-tetrahydro-4a-hydroxy-2,6,7,8a-tetramethyl-2-(4,8, 12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-chromene-5,8-dione() 3. lupeol(CID: 259846) and 4.urs-6-ene-3,16-dione (erandone)()

1.Jena, J., & Gupta, A. K. (2012). Ricinus communis Linn: a phytopharmacological review. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 4(4), 25-29. 2.Rana, M., Dhamija, H., Prashar, B., & Sharma, S. (2012). Ricinus communis L.?a review. International Journal of PharmTech Research, 4(4), 1706-1711. 3.Kadri, A., Gharsallah, N., Damak, M., & Gdoura, R. (2011). Chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant properties of essential oil of Ricinus communis L. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(8), 1466-1470.
Plant Name:
Rubrus ellipticus

Plant Part Used:
the whole plant

Common Name:
Yellow Himalayan Raspberry, Golden Evergreen Raspberry

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.The plant is astringent and febrifuge. 2.The juice of the root is used in the treatment of fevers, gastric troubles, diarrhoea and dysentery. 3.Both the roots and the young shoots are considered to be a good treatment for colic. 4.The leaf buds, combined with Centella asiatica and Cynodon dactylon, are pounded to a juice and used in the treatment of peptic ulcers. 5.The juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of fever, colic, coughs and sore throat.

Chemical Constituents:
1.Gallic acid(CID: 370) 2.catechin(CID:9064) 3. chlorogenic acid(CID: 1794427) 4.caffeic acid(CID: 689043) 5.flavonoids 6. monomeric anthocyanins() 7.ascorbic acid(CID: 54670067) and 8.b-carotene(CID: 5280489)

1.Vadivelan, R., Bhadra, S., Ravi, A. V. S., Singh, K., Shanish, A., Elango, K., & Suresh, B. (2009). Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and membrane stabilizing property of ethanol root extract of Rubus ellipticus Smith in Albino rats. Journal of natural remedies, 9(1), 74-78. 2.Badhani, A., Rawat, S., Bhatt, I. D., & Rawal, R. S. (2015). Variation in chemical constituents and antioxidant activity in yellow Himalayan (Rubus ellipticus smith) and hill raspberry (Rubus niveus thunb.). Journal of food biochemistry, 39(6), 663-672. 3.Patel, A. V., Rojas-Vera, J., & Dacke, C. G. (2004). Therapeutic constituents and actions of Rubus species. Current medicinal chemistry, 11(11), 1501-1512.
Plant Name:
Saussurea costus

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.Costus is widely used in several indigenous systems of medicine for the treatment of various ailments, like asthma, inflammatory diseases, ulcer and stomach problems.

Chemical Constituents:
1.Saussurea lactone() 2.costunolide( CID: 556919) 3.dehydrocostuslactone( CID: 73174) 4. costic acid (CID: 6451579) 5. palmitic acid(CID: 985) 6. linoleic acid (CID 5280450) 7. b-sitosterol(CID 222284 ) 8.b -cyclocostunolide(CID: 442192) 9.alantolactone(CID 72724) 10.b-cyclocostunolide(CID: 442192) 11. isoalantolactone(CID 73285) 12.isodehydrocostus lactone( CID: 10933292) 13.isozaluzanin-C() 14.guiainolides() 15. 22-Dihydrostigmasterol(CID: 536947) and 16. sesquiterpenoides()

1.Pandey, M. M., Rastogi, S., & Rawat, A. K. S. (2007). Saussurea costus: botanical, chemical and pharmacological review of an ayurvedic medicinal plant. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 110(3), 379-390. 2.Parekh, J., & Chanda, S. (2007). Antibacterial and phytochemical studies on twelve species of Indian medicinal plants. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 10(2).
Plant Name:
Scorparia dulcis

Plant Part Used:
the whole plant

Common Name:
Sweet Broom Weed, Sweet Broom Wort

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. It is traditionally used in treatment of diabetes, dysentery, earache, fever, gonorrhea, headaches, jaundice, snake bite, stomach problems, toothache, warts,inflammation

Chemical Constituents:
1. triterpene(CID: 451674) 2.mannital(CID: 6251) and 3.dulcitol( CID: 11850)

1.Tsai, J. C., Peng, W. H., Chiu, T. H., Lai, S. C., & Lee, C. Y. (2011). Anti-inflammatory effects of Scoparia dulcis L. and betulinic acid. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 39(05), 943-956. 2.Chiu-Ming, C., & Ming-Tyan, C. (1976). 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone and triterpenoids from roots of Scoparia dulcis. Phytochemistry, 15(12), 1997-1999. 3.Latha, M., Ramkumar, K. M., Pari, L., Damodaran, P. N., Rajeshkannan, V., & Suresh, T. (2006). Phytochemical and antimicrobial study of an antidiabetic plant: Scoparia dulcis L. Journal of medicinal food, 9(3), 391-394.
Plant Name:
Sesbania sesban

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Common sesban, Egyptian rattlepod, Egyptian riverhemp

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.The plant has anti-inflammatory activity. 2.The fresh roots and leaves are used to treat scorpion stings, boils and abscesses. 3.The leaves are considered to have antibiotic, anthelmintic, antitumor and contraceptive properties. 4.An oil obtained from the seeds is accorded special properties in ayurvedic medicine and is reported to have antibacterial, cardiac depressant and hypoglycaemic actions

Chemical Constituents:
1.Stigmasta-galactopyranosiden 2. terpenoidal saponin() 3.steroidal saponins() 4.tannins(CID:76419085) and 5.flavanoids()

1.Dande, P. R., Talekar, V. S., & Chakraborthy, G. S. (2010). Evaluation of crude saponins extract from leaves of Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. for topical anti-inflammatory activity. Int J Res Pharm Sci, 1(Suppl 3), 296-99. 2.Mythili, T., & Ravindhran, R. (2012). Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Sesbania sesban(L.) Merr. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res, 5(4), 179-182.
Plant Name:
Sida cordifolia

Plant Part Used:
whole plant

Common Name:
ilima, flannel weed, bala, country mallow, heart-leaf sida

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.It is used for the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa, blenorrhea, asthmatic bronchitis and nasal congestion,stomatitis, of asthma and nasal congestion and in many parts of Africa for various ailments, particularly for respiratory problems. 2.It has been investigated as an anti-inflammatory, for preventing cell proliferation,and for encouraging liver re-growth.3.Because of its ephedrine content, it possesses psychostimulant properties, affecting the central nervous system and also the heart.

Chemical Constituents:
1.phenethylamine(CID: 1001) 2.ephedrine(CID: 9294) 3.pseudo-ephedrine(CID: 7028) 4.S-(+)-Nb-methyltryptophan methyl ester( ) 5.hypaphorine() 6.vasicinone(CID: 776133) 7.vasicinol(CID: 442934) 8.choline(CID: 305) and 9.betaine()

1.Franzotti, Em; Santos, Cv; Rodrigues, Hm; Mour?o, Rh; Andrade, Mr; Antoniolli, Ar (Sep 2000). "Anti-inflammatory, analgesic activity and acute toxicity of Sidacordifolia L. (Malva-branca)?.