Plant Name:
Kigelia pinnata

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
sausage tree,cucumber tree

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.There are also a range of traditional uses for the fruit, varying from topical treatments for skin afflictions, to treatment for intestinal worms. 2.There are some steroid chemicals found in the sausage tree that are currently added to commercially available shampoos and facial creams. 3.It also exhibits anti-oxidant activity.

Chemical Constituents:
1.Gallic acid() 2.b-Tocopherol() 3.1,1-diphe-nyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)() 4.iridoids() 5.naphthoquinones() 6.flavonoids 7.terpenes 8.tannins() 8.steroids 9.coumarins() 10.saponins() and 11.caffeic acid()

1.Akunyili, D. N., & Houghton, P. J. (1993). Meroterpenoids and naphthaquinones from Kigelia pinnata. Phytochemistry, 32(4), 1015-1018. 2.Atolani, O., Adeyemi, S. O., Akpan, E., Adeosun, C. B., & Olatunji, G. A. (2011). Chemical composition and antioxidant potentials of Kigelia pinnata root oil and extracts. EXCLI journal, 10, 264.
Plant Name:
Kirkia acuminate

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
White Syringa

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.An infusion of the bark is taken as a remedy against vomiting and abdominal pain. 2.An infusion of the root is taken to treat coughs.3.The pulverized roots are a remedy for toothache. 4.The fruit sap is applied on wounds and is used as an antidote on snake bites

Chemical Constituents:
1..Alkaloids 2.anthraquinones() 3.glycosides 4.flavonoids 5. phenols() 6.tannins()

1.Mulholland, D. A., Cheplogoi, P., & Crouch, N. R. (2003). Secondary metabolites from Kirkia acuminata and Kirkia wilmsii (Kirkiaceae). Biochemical systematics and ecology, 31(7), 793-797. 2.Aganga, A. A., & Mosase, K. W. (2001). Tannin content, nutritive value and dry matter digestibility of Lonchocarpus capassa, Zizyphus mucronata, Sclerocarya birrea, Kirkia acuminata and Rhus lancea seeds. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 91(1-2), 107-113.
Plant Name:
Lagenaria siceraria

Plant Part Used:
Fruit, leaves, flower

Common Name:
Bottle Gourd

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. It is used as a pectoral, an anthelmintic, a purgative and even as a headache remedy, antihepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, antitumore, cancer prevention, cytotoxic, insectifuge and insectifhile activity.

Chemical Constituents:
1. ascorbic acid (CID: 54670067) 2. beta carotene (CID: 280489) 3. cucurbitacin B (CID: 5281316) 4. Cucurbitacin D (CID: 5281318) 5. Cucurbitacin G (CID: 441818) 6. Fucosterol (CID: 5281328) 7. Campesterol (CID: 173183)

1.Kubde, M. S., Khadabadi, S. S., Farooqui, I. A., & Deore, S. L. (2010). Lagenaria siceraria: phytochemistry, pharmacognosy and pharmacological studies. Rep. Opin, 2(3), 91-8. 2.Shirwaikar, A., & Sreenivasan, K. K. (1996). Chemical investigation and antihepatotoxic activity of the fruits of Lagenaria siceraria. Indian Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 58(5), 197.
Plant Name:
Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.)Merr

Plant Part Used:
Leaves, bark, gum

Common Name:
Indian Ash Tree, Mandhol

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. Leaves decoction of leaves is useful in elephantiasis, pruritus, stomatitis, gout, swellings. 2. Paste of leaves is applied on swelling, wounds, bruises cuts, body ache, sprains. 3. Paste with black-pepper applied in rheumatism. Bark decoction of bark is given in diarrhoea, dysentery, atonic dyspepsia, sprains, stomatitis, gout; used as a gargle for toothache and as a lotion in skin eruptions and ulcers; paste applied externally to leprous ulcers. 4. Gum internally given in asthma and as galactogogue.

Chemical Constituents:
1. leucocyanidin (CID: 71629) 2. leucodelphinidin (CID: 59024521) 3. rutin (CID: 5280805) 4. ellagic acid (CID: 5281855) 5. quercetin (CID: 5280343) 6. b-sitosterol (CID: 222284) 7. physcion (CID: 10639) 8. D-galactose (CID: 6036) 9. L-arabinose (CID: 439195) 10. isoquercitrin (CID: 5280804) 11. Kaempferol (CID: 5280863)

1.Yun, X. J., Shu, H. M., Chen, G. Y., Ji, M. H., & Ding, J. Y. (2014). Chemical constituents from barks of Lannea coromandelica. Chinese Herbal Medicines, 6(1), 65-69. 2.Imam, M. Z., & Moniruzzaman, M. (2014). Antinociceptive effect of ethanol extract of leaves of Lannea coromandelica. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 154(1), 109-115.
Plant Name:
Lantana camara

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Big-sage,wild-sage, red-sage, white-sage and tickberry

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. Lantana leaves can display antimicrobial, fungicidal and insecticidal properties isplay antimicrobial, fungicidal and insecticidal properties. 2.L. camara has also been used in traditional herbal medicines for treating a variety of ailments, including cancer, skin itches, leprosy, rabies, chicken pox, measles, asthma and ulcers. 3.Extracts from the plant have also been used to treat respiratory infections

Chemical Constituents:
1.Germacrene-D() 2.b-elemene() 3.?-caryophyllene , 4.?-elemene ,5. ?-copaene , 6.?-cadinene , 7.?-elemene , 8.germacrene-D , 9.?-copaene ,10. ?-cadinene ,11. ?-caryophyllene and 12.?-elemene .

1.Ghisalberti, E. L. (2000). Lantana camara L.(verbenaceae). Fitoterapia, 71(5), 467-486. 2.Verma, R. K., & Verma, S. K. (2006). Phytochemical and termiticidal study of Lantana camara var. aculeata leaves. Fitoterapia, 77(6), 466-468.
Plant Name:
Leonotis nepetifolia

Plant Part Used:
Stem, Flowers

Common Name:
Lion's Ear

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. The plant is used to treat kidney diseases, rheumatism, dysmenorrhoea, bronchial asthma, fever and diarrhea. 2. The drug is reported to have wound healing, antibacterial, anti rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti cancer activities.

Chemical Constituents:
1. Coumarin (CID: 323) 2. Nepetaefolinol (CID: 5458433) 3. Leonotinin (CID: 636934) 4. Nepetaefolin (CID: 99893) 5. Methoxynepetaefolin (CID: 11618968) 6. Octane (CID: 356) 7. (z)-beta-ocimene (CID: 5320250) 8. beta-caryophyllene (CID: 5281515) 9. beta-copaene (CID: 57339298) 10. alpha-humulene (CID: 5281520) 11. caryophyllene oxide (CID: 1742210)

1.Imran, S., Suradkar, S. S., & Koche, D. K. (2012). Phytochemical analysis of Leonotis nepetifolia (L) R. BR. A wild medicinal plant of Lamiaceae. Bioscience Discovery, 3(2), 197-196. 2.Takeda, T., Narukawa, Y., & Hada, N. (1999). Studies on the constituents of Leonotis nepetaefolia. Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 47(2), 284-286.
Plant Name:
Leonurus sibiricus

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
honeyweed, Siberian motherwort

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.The seeds, fruits, and leaves are all considered to be of medicinal value in various cultures.2. In traditional Chinese medicine, the herb is used to treat loss of potency in men, postpartum bleeding or painful menstruation in women, and as a diuretic In Chiapas, Mexico, native cultures drink the root steeped in tea to aid in menstruation and to calm other female reproductive system ailments. 3.The leaves are alcohol soluble; when macerated in alcohol, the tincture may be applied externally to treat rheumatism or arthritis

Chemical Constituents:
1. Yimunoside A() 2.Yimunol A() 3.4-Hydroxythiophenol() 4.Syringic acid() 5.Luteolin-7-methyl ether() 6.Nepetaefuran() 7.Sibiricinone A,B,C,D() 8.Isoquercitrin() 9.3b-Acetoxyleoheteronone C 10.p-Coumaric acid() 11.Ferulic acid()

1.Ahmed, F., Islam, M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2006). Antibacterial activity of Leonurus sibiricus aerial parts. Fitoterapia, 77(4), 316-317. 2.Satoh, M., Satoh, Y., Isobe, K., & Fujimoto, Y. (2003). Studies on the Constituents of Leonurus sibiricus L. Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 51(3), 341-342.
Plant Name:
Lepidium sativum

Plant Part Used:

Common Name:
Garden Cress, Pepper Grass

Tamil Name:
Aliverai, alivirai

Medicinal Usage:
1. It is used in the treatment of jaundice, liver problems, spleen diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis, and inflammatory disorders?

Chemical Constituents:
1. Lepidin (CID: 10285) 2. Glucotropaeolin (CID: 656498) 3. sinapic acid (CID: 637775) 4. choline ester (sinapine) (CID: 5280385 ) 5. carotene (CID: 6419725) 6. thiamine (CID: 1130) 7. riboflavin (CID: 493570) 8. niacin (CID: 938) 9. uric acid (CID: 1175)

1.Gokavi, S. S., Malleshi, N. G., & Guo, M. (2004). Chemical composition of garden cress (Lepidium sativum) seeds and its fractions and use of bran as a functional ingredient. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 59(3), 105-111. 2.Aranda, E., Garc?a-Romera, I., Ocampo, J. A., Carbone, V., Mari, A., Malorni, A., ... & Capasso, R. (2007). Chemical characterization and effects on Lepidium sativum of the native and bioremediated components of dry olive mill residue. Chemosphere, 69(2), 229-239.
Plant Name:
Leucas aspera

Plant Part Used:
Aerial Parts

Common Name:
Common Leucas

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1. Leusas aspera is reported to have antifungal, prostaglandin inhibitory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antinociceptive and cytotoxic activities. 2. Leusas aspera is used in the traditional medicine of the Philippines to treat scorpion bites.3. It is also an antipyretic, it is a herb that has the ability to help reduce fevers. 4. The plant is used traditionally as an antipyretic and insecticide. 5. Flowers are valued as stimulant, expectorant, aperient, diaphoretic, insecticide and emmenagogue. 6. Leaves are considered useful in chronic rheumatism, psoriasis and other chronic skin eruptions. 7. Bruised leaves are applied locally in snake bites.

Chemical Constituents:
1. Triterpenoids (CID: 71597391) 2. oleanolic acid (CID: 10494) 3. ursolic acid (CID: 64945) 4. b-sitosterol (CID: 222284) 5. nicotine (CID: 89594)

1.Prajapati, M. S., Patel, J. B., Modi, K., & Shah, M. B. (2010). Leucas aspera: A review. Pharmacognosy reviews, 4(7), 85. 2.Rahman, M. S., Sadhu, S. K., & Hasan, C. M. (2007). Preliminary antinociceptive, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Leucas aspera root. Fitoterapia, 78(7-8), 552-555.
Plant Name:
Lippia geminata

Plant Part Used:
leaves or aerial parts, and flowers

Common Name:
Bushy Matgrass, Pitiona

Tamil Name:

Medicinal Usage:
1.The plant has antimalarial, spasmolitic, sedative, hypotensive and, anti-inflammatory activities

Chemical Constituents:
1.Beta-caryophyllene() 2.gamma-cadinene() 3.gamma-elemene()

1.Pascual, M. E., Slowing, K., Carretero, E., Mata, D. S., & Villar, A. (2001). Lippia: traditional uses, chemistry and pharmacology: a review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 76(3), 201-214. 2.Bhuyan, P. D., Chutia, M., Pathak, M. G., & Baruah, P. (2010). Effect of essential oils from Lippia geminata and Cymbopogon jwarancusa on in vitro growth and sporulation of two rice pathogens. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 87(11), 1333-1340.